Register your race number(s) for the 2022 sensational Jettribe Eurofinals / World Series Round 1 by using this registration form.
Pre-registration closes on the 26th of June 2022 for the following racing classes.
- PRO Sport GP
- PRO Runabout 1100 OPEN
- PRO Freestyle
- PRO-AM Endurance OPEN
After this date, pilots can still register in advance till 11th of July 2022. An extra fee of 100,00 € will be charged however on top of the regular inscription fee for registrations made from 27th of June 2022 till 11th of July 2022. After this date, it will no longer be possible to register in advance.
For all other racing classes you will be charged an extra fee of 50,00 € in addition to the regular inscription fee for any pre-registration made after the 26th of June 2022.
Latest news
Don’t forget to read the information on the dedicated pages and to check our website regularly for additional information.
- Thank You !
- Race schedule Jettribe Eurofinals 2022
- Register Now !
- The road to Ostrów Warcki
- VP Racing Fuels available in Poland
- A word from our president
- Are you ready ?
Thank you and hope to see you all soon!